First we will examine the diet side of things, then we will examine the exercising side.
The best and fastest way to lose excess fat on your stomach is by doing a low carb eating plan. This doesn't mean zero carbohydrates as that would be almost impossible and dangerous because it would be unhealthy. What it means is lowering your reliance for energy on carbohydrates. What will happen then is your body will burn fat for energy.
You get your daily from these sources in this order. 1. Carbohydrates 2. Fat 3. Protein
All of the above can come from food or from supplies stored in the body. So you must cut down your carbs so your body starts to burn fat, which it will after a little time when it accepts the idea. But you can't eat tons of high fat food because it doesn't work like that. If you did that you would have more than enough energy from the fatty food and wouldn't use any of the spare fat off your belly. At the other end you can't go ultra low-fat as your body begins to burn its store of proteins for energy. That is to say you will be burning off muscle tissue and that is unacceptable too.
Muscle tissue burns calories all the time even at rest, just by being there. If a dieter loses muscle their metabolism slows down and the body burns less calories. Inevitably, this state of affairs is a disaster for someone wanting to get rid of fat.
Under 100 grams of carbs in a day will do it. Under 60 grams is fantastic.
Then, together with this eating plan you need to get some exercise. What do you think you need to do? Lots of swimming, cycling and running? Well actually no, you don't have to perform endless cardiovascular exercise. Too much cardio sends the body into what is called catabolism where it breaks down lean muscle tissue.
To accompany the fat-burning eating regime you have to get doing High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT. This means performing low and high intensity exercises in intervals. You do a period of low intensity cardio exercise and then a period of higher intensity.
Research has discovered that this type of combination training burns more stored fat than normal cardio done at a steady rate. The figures average out at fifty percent more however some studies showed far greater ratios than that. Up to 5 times more. Why does this mean you lose belly fat? Well, the body stores the extra fat that you provide it where it is easiest to put it - the belly. Oppositely, when the time comes for the body to use up some of the stored fat to burn as energy it gets it from where it is easiest to get - the stomach.
Not only that, studies have revealed that HIIT burns two times as much excess fat from the belly area than other cardio type exercise even when they train for longer. And there is more happy news. HIIT only needs to be done for short periods of time, typically 10-20 minutes at a time.
So, as you can see, this special mix of exercise and diet will give you quick fat loss that is healthy and you can keep off. Unlike other diets where you achieve a starting period of fat loss but then it all collapses, this approach is better for the long term.
---------- If you don't know where to start you need help to lose belly fat fast. Discover the best diet plan at and keep the fat off for good.