However, the reality is these things haven't worked and you still want to get rid of the fat around your belly. Like most people you may well have tried doing lots of ab crunches to get that flatter stomach. Only that doesn't seem to have worked for you either.
Let me first explain why this doesn't work. The purpose of exercises like ab crunches are to strengthen the muscles. As you're doing these exercises your muscles should be getting stronger and more toned. The problem is that you can't see this because there is fat on top of these muscles and until this fat is burnt up by your body it will still be sitting there on your tummy.
So, the most important step you can take to reduce your belly fat is to work on burning the fat in your body. This is achieved by exercise that burns fat and changing your eating habits.
To make your workouts burn more fat, ideally you need to add some weight training and some interval training. These both step up your bodies metabolism and hence its ability to burn more fat.
Eating healthier is also key and one area that most people can benefit from is by reducing their intake of sugar. Any sugar in your body that isn't burnt up turns to fat and I'm sure you don't want to be adding any more fat to your body.
Instead, I want for you to be reducing your fat so that you feel happier with they way your tummy and the whole of your body looks. Discover how to lose stomach fat and drop pounds from your body to look better and feel great!
Wendy Hearn has helped thousands of people achieve healthy weight loss