How to Get Rid of Cellulite: What to Avoid
Cellulite is fat that has pushed up through the deeper layers of skin and shows on the outside of our bodies as 'dimples' or makes the skin seem lumpy. Unfortunately, due to the way our bodies are constructed, women will experience this more than men.
If you're thinking, 'Oh just another thing we have to deal with and they don't,' you're exactly right ladies. Men sure get off the hook a lot, don't they? So, do you want to learn how to get rid of cellulite? It may be as easy as avoiding certain things.
Have you ever ignored the little voice in your head that told you that the moist chocolate cake you were about to bite into would be going straight to your hips and butt? Those are the things you want to avoid.
We're talking about stuff like cake, ice cream, cookies, sweets... the usual suspects that are full of sugar, saturated fats, and other bad-for-you things. I know, I understand how horrible it is to avoid the best things in life, but hear me out, ladies... you and fatty foods simply have to part ways.
To make the transition a little easier when you're learning how to get rid of cellulite, I have some suggestions. We can simply replace them with other vices that are sinfully wonderful. Buy a new Lexus. Take long hot baths. Go on a fling with a younger man. Buy jewelry dripping with diamonds. Buy a new wardrobe.
Now for the real kicker - we also have to exercise. Cardio, aerobics and other workouts will shrink our fat cells and this is great for minimizing the appearance of cellulite.
Wait, don't run away, I have another replacement to suggest for you! I've got two words for you - shoe shopping. We can do it, ladies. Now that you've learned how to get rid of cellulite, use your knowledge and whip your butt into shape.
Got Cellulite?