Fat Loss-5 Key Ways To Burn Fat
1. Exercise Even A Little
You do not have to go to the Gym and do hour of aerobics or cardio to burn calories. Use resistance training instead with a weight amount that will allow you to do 8 repetitions per set. Studies have shown that resistance training mixed with interval training over shorter periods is as effective if not more effective for burning fat and takes a lot less time.
The resistance training with low reps stimulates your muscles to undergo repair and regeneration during recovery. And that is what boosts your metabolism after exercise and the interval training boosts your lung capacity and metabolism. Some studies have even shown that as little as 11 minutes of intensive training can be effective in losing fat.
2. Use The Right Foods
To begin with take a good hard look at the amount you are eating now. If you are not losing the fat, eat less. Eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and protein sources. Avoid junk from a bag or a box. Treat yourself to one meal per week. Not a treat day, only a treat meal. Plan ahead for meals. Spend some time on the weekend getting your meals and meal plan ready for the week. Here are some foods that will help accelerate the fat burning process.
Eat more lean wild fish. Flash-frozen mahi-mahi, Alaskan cod, and Pacific halibut will do nicely.
Green tea has long been praised for its antioxidant benefits. New research shows it has thermogenic or fat-burning attributes, as well. Try it.
Quit sodas and juices. Drink more water. This could lose 20 pounds of fat in one year by itself. Also drink a glass or two of water before each meal. It could reduce your caloric intake by 200 calories per day which equals another 21 pounds or so over one year.
Shape up your health with organic apples and pears. Researchers believe the weight-loss secret of apples and pears is in their high-fiber, high-water, yet low-calorie composition.
Base your meal plan on lean protein sources, fruits and vegetables. Use broiled chicken breasts for fried chicken, grass-fed beef for ordinary hamburger, and poached fish filets for breaded shrimp.
3. Diet And Weight Loss Supplements
A quick answer, stay away from them. Most do not work and the ones that stimulate you artificially do not create a long lasting result that can be maintained long term. A couple of these are chromium picolinate (CP) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). A recent study of two groups over 12 weeks that ate the same amount of calories and exercised the same with the exception that one group took the two supplements mentioned above lost the same amount of weight during the study. The result was the supplements had no benefit. Don't waste your money.
4. Limit Sugar And Carbohydrates
Sugar is bad for your system and many studies show how bad it is. High carbohydrate eating habits are for sure a leading cause of obesity in people. Just limiting carbohydrates and replacing sugar with a natural alternative can lead to substantial fat loss and weight reduction. This one area is probably the hardest to tackle. Just look at the food choices in the grocery store.
5. Avoid The Fat Loss Fads And Hype
The weight loss and diet market is in the billions of dollars. People are getting rich mostly selling stuff that just does not work. Stay from the fads and hype over diet pills, foods and exercise equipment. Remember if you can take a pill and do nothing, eat a meal and do nothing, and exercise for 1 minute then your results will likely be nothing. Some of these things may work in the beginning however they usually are not a sustainable answer to losing fat.
What not to do when planning and executing a Fat loss plan.
Start a plan without getting the OK from your healthcare provider. Especially bad idea if you or others consider you a person who is in abnormally ill health or more than 30 pounds over your ideal weight.
How about this one.
Lipodissolve a miracle fat reduction treatment used by some celebrities and others and has been offered by some clinics. This was supposedly an easy, no surgery or down time solution to fat reduction. An expensive option.
News flash.....avoid it, it does not work. In the last three years, 145 clients of one such business filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau of Greater St. Louis. Their most frequent complaint: It doesn't work. these clients also cited adverse reactions, including pain and swelling. And now, according to The New York Times, they were joined by an additional 150 consumers who complained to the Better Business Bureau.
Avoid aerobic exercise and switch to interval training. Interval training (example: walking outside, find an incline and challenge yourself to run up it for 60 seconds, then walk down for 60 to 120 seconds. Repeat up to six times, or walking on a treadmill, adjust the incline or speed to challenge yourself for 60 seconds, then return to a normal pace for 60 to 120 seconds. Repeat up to six times) will prove to be more effective and take less of a toll on your body not to mention the time savings you can enjoy.
Did I convince you? How about this study published by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity where subjects aged 40 to 75 did 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day, six days per week, for 365 days.
You would expect with that amount of exercise, weight losses of 20 or 30 pounds or more, right? Interestingly the findings showed the average fat loss for female subjects to be only four pounds for the entire year, at the same time the men lost 6.6 pounds. That's over 300 hours of aerobic exercise just to lose a measly six pounds of fat. Not an effective use of time I say.
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