Strong sexy abs has been declared by many to be the sexiest feature. You probably already knew that and is why you are ready this now. Don't fall for all the hype around the latest gadgets that are going to target your abs, quickly and easily. If you need to burn tummy fat, remember you did not get that layer of fat over night and it will not go away over night. You will need to exercise and control your diet. Saying, "I want six pack abs" is one thing, staying the course until you do is another. Here are 3 tips that will get you your six pack, the motivation and persistence to follow through will have to come from you.
1. Diet. Don't stop reading here. All the experts I have read and talked to say the same thing "Abs are made in the kitchen". There is no avoiding this issue. You cannot make your six pack strong enough or large enough to show through two inches of fat. That is the plan and simple truth.
2. Exercise the core. Abs are only part of the picture. All the muscles of your core need be made strong. A strong is the foundation to a strong and healthy body. The only way to have the full affect of sexy abs is to develop the whole core. An example exercise is to do not just crunches but the variations that call on more muscle. The plain old push up, when done correctly is an excellent way to work the core.
3. You do not have to do traditional aerobics. The way you structure your exercise routine and the exercises you do can give you all the aerobic affect you need to burn fat and improve your cardio vascular system. Don't think just because you need to burn tummy fat do not think you must run on a treadmill for hours.
Do not fall for all the gimmicks and gadgets out there. Save your money for the things that will help you. Diet and exercise is the core for success in burning tummy fat. Come see the free resources at my web page the Secrets of Weight Loss.