7 Best Way to Get rid of your Fat

Reviews of Getting rid of Fat programs

Welcome to http://getting-rid-of-fat.blogspot.com/ We offer full reviews of popular weight Loss and Bodybuilding Program and guides for dealing with various health issues. Listed below are the Top Rated Sites that offer the most effective in Getting rid of fat Programs available today include Fat Loss 4Idiots, Master Cleanse, Truth about six pack abs, Fit Over40, Burn The Fat, Muscle Gain Truth, Chest Coach System and Much More.natural way fat loss


"Eat 4 - 6 Meals Per Day to Lose Weight"
lose 9 lbs. in 11 days and you'll be eating more than 3 meals/day during next 11 Days
programs Easy diet way with menu based on the foods to your food preferences.
programs Increase metabolism by the caloric shifting technique
programs Get rid of fat faster If you are also lifting weights and bodybuilding
Review Rating: 5star Cost: $39 (One-time Payment)

"Review of FAT LOSS 4 IDIOTS program"

review THE MASTER CLEANSE (Lemonade Diet) By Stanley Burroughs

"Detox To Lose Weight"
master cleanse

programsGet rid of fat and lose weight fast up to 20 pound programsSimple diet way with quite easy Recipe
programsCleanse Your Body of Internal Waste & Boost energy levels in 10 Days
programsYour metabolism will normalize so you'll be able to lose weight without starving yourself
Review Rating: 5star Cost: $27 – $37 (One-time Payment)

"Review of MASTER CLEANSE program"

"Getting rid of fat and Get Sexy Abs"
belly fat

Real secrets for Get rid of belly fat and carving out ripped six pack abs for men
programsProven techniques for Getting rid of tummy fat and getting a tight sexy stomach for women
programs 6 unique Secret-Weapon exercises that build a rock-hard core and stimulate fat loss
Review Rating: 4star Cost: $39.95 (One-time Payment)

"Review of TRUTH ABOUT ABS program"

thumb FIT OVER 40 By Jon Benson and co-authored by Tom Venuto
"Develop Your Own Great Looking Body"

Fast & easy way to Get rid of fat and reverse the aging process in your body
programsUncovers a Step By Step System for Living Fit and Healthy At Any Age
programsMelt inches and pounds off your body, by accelerating your metabolic rate
programsDiscover how to look and feel 10 years younger
Review Rating: 4star Cost: $39 – $59 (One-time Payment)

"Review of FIT OVER 40 Program"

thumb BURN THE FAT By Tom Venuto
"The Proven Fat Loss Techniques Of the Leanest Athletes"

Getting rid of fat
while gaining muscle fat without drugs or supplements
programsTurbo-Charge Your Metabolism and Lose body fat without wrecking your metabolism
programsSimple method to increase fat burning effects of your cardio workout by up to 300%
Review Rating: 4star Cost: $39.95 (One-time Payment)

"Review of BURN THE FAT program"

thumb MUSCLE GAIN TRUTH By Sean Nalewanyj
"An Effective Muscle Building Workouts in the shortest amount of time"
As seen in The New York Times programsThe #1 Selling Body Makeover Program of 2007
programsDiscover how to dramatically increase your muscle mass and strength
programs Discover the most effective movements exercises for packing on maximum muscle
Review Rating: 5star Cost: $77 (One-time Payment)

"Review of MUSCLE GAIN TRUTH program "

thumb CHEST COACH SYSTEM (lose man boobs) By Cliff Manchaster
“EASY Method to get rid of your Man Boobs completely naturally"
lose man boobs

Complete step-by-step on how to get rid of chest fat for good
programsReduce your man boobs and make them muscular in half the time normally taken
programsUse water and fluids for burning chest fat up to 300% faster
programsBalancing hormones to losing man boobs programs8 Week 100% money-back guarantee!
Review Rating: 4stars Cost: $47 (One-time Payment)

"Review of CHEST COACH program"

Sep 17, 2008

What! Fat is Good For Us?

Ever look at pictures of people that were taken before 1970? You will probably be able to notice something different about them if you compare them with pictures of people today. They are not fat, and almost all of them look healthy. How many people do you see on a daily basis today that look really healthy?

Were our parents or grandparents exercising more than us? Did they have better exercise science? Did they work harder than we do? Were they taking special weight loss products we don't have today? Why in the world do they all look so healthy and skinny?

It all has to do with the type of fat they were consuming in their diet. Food was not altered then and everybody ate natural and organic foods, that is all there was. I don't know when or why it happened, but gradually food companies started looking for and began using cheaper ways of manufacturing food to increase their profit.

Thanks to the food companies, we get to eat all kinds of preservatives and unnatural fats they put in the food to give it a longer shelf life, this saves us a little money, makes the food companies a lot of money, and makes us fat and unhealthy. Then the food companies even figured out to somehow trick us into believing that things like margarine are better for us than actual butter.

When did we start believing major, publicly traded corporations could outsmart nature? I guess television advertisements and marketing can really mess with people's perceptions.

What is natural fat? There are three kinds of naturally occurring, "good" fats, to be aware of. They are saturated fats (butter, animal fats), poly-unsaturated fats (fish oils, vegetable oil, canola oil, corn oil), and mono-unsaturated fats (olive oil, nut oils,).

These "good" fats help give us energy, keep us warm by cushioning organs, keep our brain, nerves, skin and hair healthy. They also aid in cell division, growth and repair.

Obviously if you eat too much "good fats" you can gain weight, and raise your cholesterol, but overall they are very good for you. Use your common sense and follow a healthy diet. Also get your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked once a year by a certified health care provider.

NOTE: As you read this next section please keep in mind that poly-unsaturated fats (oils) are very reactive and literally "go bad" or turn "toxic" very quickly when exposed to heat, oxygen or light.

As we process our food, unfortunately we extract natural oils that are found in fruits, nuts and seeds. How are those oils extracted? (Remember to keep the above note in mind).

The seeds are crushed and heated to extremely high temperatures. They use pressure to squeeze the oil out, this generates even more heat. The oil is then exposed to oxygen and light and treated with solvents (vitamin E is destroyed during this process).

Often two toxic substances are added to the oils as a preservative. So the result of all of this; rotten, or toxic oil is extracted out for further processing.

However, there are a couple of safe alternatives that are being used to extract natural oils. They are expeller-pressed or cold pressed processing, which extracts the natural oils under low temperature and with minimal light and oxygen exposure. Most of the oils in packaged food available at your local health food store use the expeller pressing method.

Back to the toxic processing. After the (bad) oils are extracted they are often put through a hydrogenation process, this is usually done, once again, to extend a product's shelf life. Liquid oils go through this process to turn them into fats that are solid at room temperature (margarine).

During this process the oils are subject to starch, hydrogen gas, steam cleaning (to remove the 'bad' odor ), and are usually bleached for color. Yes I said bleached!

I bet you did not know that margarine's natural color is grey, not a creamy yellow like butter. That is why they bleach it, so it looks like butter.

What type of fat we are left with for consumption after all that processing? Trans fats.

Another negative side effect of the hydrogenation process is that the natural fat's molecular formation is altered. The altered formation, which is rarely found in nature is called a trans-formation, hence the name trans fats. I was never the best science student so I am not going to explain all of this in detail, it would get too confusing.

I'll tell you what you need to know. The potential health dangers of hydrogenated products and trans fats. They have been shown to increase your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol levels, have been suspected to cause cancer and heart disease, and cause an increase in body weight.

What foods contain hydrogenated vegetable oil and trans fats? Most of the food in the aisles at your grocery store (prepared, packaged, instant foods). All margarines, most salad dressings, bread, cereal, cookies, baked foods, donuts, pies etc. are also loaded with hydrogenated oils and trans fats.

Please check the labels and ingredients of the food you buy. This will help you recognize what products are made with hydrogenated oils and trans fats. Do your best to eliminate as much of them from your diet as possible.

Think of your body like a Porsche; would you put cheap gas in a Porsche? What if you put "bad" oil into it? How would it drive?

How much money would it cost you later on when many mechanical problems start to go wrong because of it running on cheap gas its whole life? How much money would you be paying to mechanics to see your maltreated Porsche again and again every year?

If you would not treat your car this way, then why in the world would you put toxic food into your body?